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78pct of quota used for seamless steel pipe imports to Ukraine
台州市开维贸易有限公司   发表时间:2011-11-15 20:57:25

78pct of quota used for seamless steel pipe imports to Ukraine

It is reported that importers of steel pipes to Ukraine used 77.71% of their annual quota (up to the end of September 2012) for imports of steel seamless casing and tubing with diameters up to 406.4 mm.

For the period from October 1 2011 to September 30 2012, the quota in question is 16,753 tonnes. Of this figure, the unused quota volume is 3,733 tonnes. In particular, Russia used 99.92% of its quota for exports of the mentioned products to Ukraine and Austria used 45.6% of its quota.

(Sourced from SteelOrbis)
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