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  KWK Steel Co.,Ltd.
US DOC remains AD order on welded pipes from China
KWK Steel Co.,Ltd.  Time:2013-10-10
Reportedly, the US Department of Commerce (DOC) launched the results of the expedited sunset review of the antidumping (AD) order on the imports of circular welded carbon-quality steel pipe from China.

It’s learned that the US DOC determined that the revocation of the AD order would cause the continuation or recurrence of the dumping.

Also, the US International Trade Commission (ITC) is conducting an expedited sunset review of the AD order and the countervailing duty (CVD) order on the imports of circular welded carbon-quality steel pipe from China.

The US ITC’s determination to conduct an expedited review guarantees that it will also make an affirmative decision, meaning the fact that the AD order will remain in effect.
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